Counting Numbers 1- 8 with Colorful Cars

Learning Objectives: Munch Kid will learn about Counting and Colors using Toy Cars!
Introduction (5 minutes)
Tell your Munch Kid they are going to play and learn by counting cars! They are oh so colorful and oh so fun!
Play the Counting to Numbers 1 to 8 with Colorful Toy Cars | Educational Videos for Kids and Toddlers
Instruction/Parent modeling (10 minutes)
Review numbers 1 to 8 with your Munch Kid.
Using a singing voice (Do-Re-Mi) while counting. This is a good tool to help your Munch Kid differentiate the numbers and understand order. You can sing it forward and backward.
Guided Practice (10 minutes)
Watch Counting Numbers 1 to 8 with Colorful Cars again and pause the video allowing your Munch Kid to review.
Together, use your counting finger and count the cars.
When it’s time to identify the color, give your Munch Kid time to answer first, then help support them if needed.
Independent Working Time (5 minutes)
If you have colorful blocks or toys, line them up by color and count them with your Munch Kid.
Remember to make it fun! Use your counting finger.
Always praise your child for doing their best.
Enrichment: Have advanced Munch Kids write out numbers 1 to 8 on the back of their worksheet.
Support: Give struggling Munch Kid tips and all the encouragment they need.
Review (5 minutes)
Watch Lulu and Munch episode again and review!
Display Munch Kid’s work on the wall.
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