Learning Objectives: Munch Kid Learn About Numbers 1, 2, and 3.
Introduction (5 minutes)
Tell your Munch Kid you are going to learn about Number 1, 2, and 3!
Play the Best Way to Learn Numbers 123 for Kids and Toddlers with Lulu and Munch
Instruction/Parent modeling (10 minutes)
Review Number 1, 2, and 3 with your little one.
Find 3 like items to line up and count together.
Always praise your Munch Kid for trying their best
Get creative! You can introduce the numbers with an infinite amount of possibilities. Whether tracing their fingers with yours in a tray of flour or using toy cars to count the numbers.
Guided practice (10 minutes)
Draw out numbers 1, 2, and 3
Have your Munch Kids trace over your numbers with their finger or a different color marker.
Display your outline and review each number with your Munch Kid.
Independent working time (5 minutes)
Have your Munch Kids go on a number exploration finding items around your house or park that make up a number. Maybe find 1 stick, 2 acorns, or 3 rocks
Enrichment: Have advanced Munch Kid use the backs of their worksheets to write out the numbers.
Support: Give struggling Munch Kid support. Use your own hand as a guide, placing their hand over yours as you draw out the numbers.
Review (5 minutes)
Watch Lulu and Munch episode again and review!
Display Munch Kid’s work on wall.
To Download and Print Worksheet - Copy/Paste Link Bellow
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