Counting to 3 with Lulu & Munch

Learning Objectives: Munch Kids will learn how to Count to Three!
Introduction (5 minutes)
Tell your Munch Kid that you are going to learn how to count to three today!
Show them you pointer, middle and ring fingers and tell them these are your Magical Counting Fingers.
Play Lulu and Munch | Counting to 3 | Math.
Instruction/Parent modeling (10 minutes)
Review counting to three using your Magical Counting Fingers and count with your Munch Kid.
Introduce the number game activity (instructions below)
Guided practice (10 minutes)
With your Munch Kid, find three similar objects around your environment. For example you can use toys, leaves, or even shoes - just to name a few.
Line up the similar objects and get your Magical Counting Finger ready!
Together begin to count objects 1, 2 and 3.
Make it fun! Use silly voices, high voices, low voices, soft voices, and loud voices.
Independent working time (5 minutes)
Once your Munch Kids get the hang of it, have them go on an adventure to find three more similar objects.
Get out your Magical Counting Fingers and encourage your Munch Kid to count on their own. Always give support if needed.
Always praise your Munch Kid for doing a good job, trying something new and being so capable!
Review (5 minutes)
Watch Lulu and Munch | Counting to 3 | Math again and review.
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