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Are You Sleeping? Frère Jacques-Sing Along

Learning Objectives: Singing nursery rhymes to children and babies can have a huge impact on their early childhood development skills. Music and nursery rhymes are very important in learning language, social skills, music, and math.

Introduction (5 minutes)

  • Tell your Munch Kid you are going to learn a fun new song today

  • Use your bodies to follow along with Lulu and Munch’s movements

  • When just guitar is playing, it’s always fun to play the air guitar!

  • Play the Frère Jacques | Are You Sleeping? | Nursery Rhymes and Educational Videos for Kids by Lulu and Munch



Frère Jacques, Frère Jacques,

Dormez-vous? Dormez-vous?

Sonnez les matines, sonnez les matines

Ding ding dong, ding ding dong.


Are you sleeping, are you sleeping?

Brother John, Brother John?

Morning bells are ringing, morning bells are ringing

Ding ding dong, ding ding dong.


Fray Felipe, Fray Felipe

Duermes tu, duermes tu?

Toca las companas, toca las companas

Ding dang dong, ding dang dong.


Guided practice (10 minutes)

  • Rewatch Frère Jacques | Are You Sleeping? | Nursery Rhymes and Educational Videos for Kids by Lulu and Munch while clapping or patting to the beat.

  • Make your movements fun and silly to engage your Munch Kids

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